Thursday, 22 May 2014

Poetry day - 22nd May 2014

We watched a clip of Pie Corbett sharing a poem 'If only...' 

Children collected objects from the school grounds to give inspiration for ideas.

We each selected our preferred line from our individual 'If only...' Poems to create group poems ready to film at the BBC studios tomorrow.


We are working on self portraits now ready to add poetic lines to this afternoon...

Recording podcasts of our work...

Friday, 16 May 2014

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Daily blog: 15th May

Year 6 have finished SATs today! They have all worked so hard and deserve to be very proud of themselves.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Daily blog: 14th May

We are enjoying an afternoon back in class working on our topic... Y6 had Maths SATs paper 1 this morning and a bit of a chat through some revision after lunch. Now we're painting the back drop for our display and finalising our project work...