Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Body Percussion

Today in Class 4 we have been learning about body percussion. Body percussion is when you make music using all your body parts. Working in groups we started experimenting with body percussion, making different music sequences using 4 beats of 4 sounds.

Getting used to some movements.

Next we watched a short clip from the amazing 'Ten Pieces' website. First, we were really confused and found it hard but then, after practising, we got the hang of it! It was really fun! One pupil said, ' My favourite bit was the awesome swimming haka.' 

Class 4 performing the swimming haka 

Whilst we copied the tutorial we learnt some moves such as:

Swimming haka
Hand swirls
Cross and YEAH
Snake wave
And loads more...

Everyone really enjoyed learning body percussion; fantastic music!

By G.P., B.B. & M.P. (Class 4)


Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Science - Plants

This week in Class 4 we have been learning about how plants reproduce, move and grow. We found out that plants are not that different from us humans; they grow everyday, they reproduce and they constantly move, but you need a special camera to see it.

In Class 4 we were planting flowering plants. 
Flowers reproduce by being pollinated. 

We also looked at the life cycle of a dandelion:

We cut out each step of the cycle, put them in order and sewed them together.

We also named the male and female parts of a flower on a diagram, after we had taken some flowers apart to identify them in real life!

By LN, SR, RW, HS (Class 4)

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Visiting the Fitzwilliam Museum

Today we have been to Cambridge, to visit the Fitzwilliam Museum and discover more about Ancient Greece, together with spending some time in the Ancient Egypt and French 19th- 20th Century Art Galleries.

The Museum itself is a very impressive building...

We were very fortunate to have a session with a specialist teacher from the Museum about Ancient Greece. She responded to our questions and we were absorbed by the information that she gave us, together with the evidence that we found around the Gallery in response to her questions abut life in Ancient Greece. 

Earlier we had visited the Art section of the museum, passing through many older paintings until we came to the French Impressionist collection. This was a great opportunity to enjoy the artwork, talk about it and sketch a painting of our choice.