Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Malawi Day

We are very fortunate at Bressingham School, to be part of the Norwich-Dedza Partnership, linking an area of Malawi, in Africa, with Norfolk. Today we celebrated this partnership with a day finding out about Malawi. This helps us to achieve two of our '100 Memorable Events': experiencing different cultures and taking part in a group fundraising challenge.

First we painted some pictures of The Dedza area, in the style of an artist named Alex Katz...

Alex Katz paintings:

Our paintings of Malawi in the style of Alex Katz:

Later we dressed in Malawian clothes and made Nsima, a maize-flour porridge that we ate with vegetable relish. 

Then it was time to share what we had learnt with friends, parents, carers and grandparents in a whole school assembly.

Finally, some of us helped to sell rice from Malawi; if we can sell 90 kg of rice it will raise enough money to enable a child in Malawi to go to High School, who would not otherwise be able to afford to do so.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Planting fruit and vegetables

On the 5th of May Class 4 planted some fruit and vegetables. We planted French beans, strawberries and potatoes.

Strawberries reproduce by sending out shoots called runners, French Green Beans reproduce by exploding their seeds as far away from the mother plant as they can and potatoes by forming sprouts which grow into potatoes.

    To begin we dug a hole and planted the strawberries.

   Did you know that strawberry plant flowers are edible?

To plant French Runner Beans we had to dig a small trench and then place them in it, then cover them with a small amount of compost. Some pupils say that was the best bit because you can get your hands covered in mud!

    Here's a photo of the French Runner bean seeds.

    We also planted some potatoes.

Altogether we learnt lots about how plants reproduce and how to plant them. Hopefully our gardening section will grow lots of yummy fruit and vegetables!