Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Romeo and Juliet performances

Outstanding reviews and a standing ovation met the cast of 'Romeo and Juliet' after their performance of the play. Class 4 have really enjoyed practising and performing and have become more and more confident. Well done to all!

Here are some photos of the evening performance:

Waiting to start...

Lord and Lady Capulet...

The fight between the Capulets and the Montagues...

Ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn't have fallen in love with?

The Capulet's Party is underway...

Juliet reveals her love for Romeo to Nanny...

Boys' solo- I think I want to marry you!

Romeo believes that Juliet is dead...this is a tragedy...

As a result of this tragedy, the warring families realise that it is important to be friends...

Curtain call...

...and ice lollies to celebrate later!

First Aid in a day!

Tuition in first Aid was given to Class 4 by a St John's Ambulance Trainer. The children learnt many aspects of First Aid as part of our offer of 100 memorable events to children...

We hope we won't have to use this, but now we are prepared...

New Class 4 build a fire and toast marshmallows on a stick

LAs part of our transition, helping children to settle in their new classes ready for September, we have been working in those new classes for the last two weeks. 

The new Class 4 have been doing a camping topic and today spent some time building a fire, then toasting marshmallows on sticks, whilst listening to stories that they wrote last week, ready to read in tents or around the campfire. We have also written instructions about how to build a campfire.

Camping in tents tomorrow!

Monday, 13 July 2015

Romeo and Juliet almost there!...

Here we are half way through our dress rehearsal; the public performances are tomorrow afternoon and Wednesday evening. How exciting!

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Chicks ready to fly!

ZThe bantam chicks that we hatched out using an incubator in our classroom, who have spent their first weeks with us, are ready to go outdoors now. Here they are, nearly ready to leave...